Working AWAy

Coronavirus is creating significant challenges and forcing organisations to change their ways of working rapidly. Advanced Workplace Associates will be using their scientific research, extensive global client work and over 28 years worth of non-office-based working to bring you a series of online workshops.
The workshops are a response to the immediate challenges created by coronavirus and are designed to assist organisations we currently work with, as well as those we don’t yet work with, to effectively and successfully navigate these challenges.

Workshop 1: Making the Shift to Home Working Effectively – March 26th
Managing a home-based work community over a prolonged period of time is very different to having some people working away from the office some of the time. This on-line workshop session will provide pointers to the things organisations should be doing now to prepare for prolonged periods of mass Home Working.
For more information and to register, click here.
Workshop 2: Managing the Home-Based Community – April 2nd
Our on-line workshop will provide you with everything you need to know about managing a home-based community and builds on 20 years of experience in managing virtual organisations, AWA’s extensive scientific research into ‘managing virtual’ and experience in advising clients in ‘managing away’.
For more information and to register, click here.
Workshop 3: Working at Home – April 9th
Our on-line workshop provides tools and tips on how to stay focused, happy and productive whilst working at home. Many people are comfortable working from home for a day or two a week – or for a short period to work on a specific piece of work. In our experience, the majority of people like to be in the office with their colleagues for the majority of the time.For more information and to register, click here.
Workshop 4: Working Online – April 16th
When working away from the office, reliance upon technology increases significantly. We use technology for a whole range of different types of communication – talking to each other, seeing each other, sharing information, keeping track of workflow, knowing who’s available and when, and so on. Our on-line workshop will provide tips and tools in setting up Microsoft Teams and maximising adoption.
For more information and to register, click here.