Event day – Seminar on Pre-Design Opportunities
28th August, 2015, exactly a year after Gallopper was launched with the aim of integrating and collaborating construction and development industry professionals, Sibani Sarma, Founder and CEO of Gallopper, introduced the speakers at the seminar, Pre-Design opportunities to an exclusive group of architects and professionals, at Bandra East in Mumbai.
Architect Naresh Shah,the lead speaker at the seminar, is a U.S. returned architect from Mumbai. He has worked in U.S.A for 35 years and has worked on Pre-Design as a prelude to architectural design. Pre-design is the statement of the problem, and design, the solution; as he aptly puts it. Naresh Shah spokeabout his experiences in the US and the need to execute a similar model in India.
This ex-JJite is the President and one of the founding members of the Alumni association at the premier institute and is closely working with the Council of Architecture, to establish Pre-design in the curriculum and conduct regular seminars and talks to train professionals. The agenda for the seminar included an in-depth study into the concept, the subject matter and the implementation of Pre-design.
“Design must excite you”, claims Naresh but younger Architects are intimidated by design, confused and hesitant because of inadequate research and studies into the history of the location, its occupants, the weather conditions, the standard of living etc. Documenting and simulating the process of development and undertaking a detailed risk assessment provides the client with the opportunity to realize, what his dreams will cost him and how far away he is from making them a reality.
Naresh’s mastery on the subject and his resolve to change the system by encouraging innovative concepts makes him an ideal speaker at a Gallopper forum, for even at 71, he is driven by the thrill of following his passion in architecture and design and the growing desire to cultivate his full potential as an individual, constructing his journey of life doing what he was born to do : Design.
Naresh Shah also launched his book, “An introduction to Pre-design” at the Seminar for the Mumbai audience.The book has been published by Council of Architecture and is the first such book in India to be published on the subject. Contact us at gallopper@gallopper.com to purchase your copy.