Pre-Design is as important to architects and clients as diagnosis is to doctors and patients
Naresh Shah, an architect with a successful practice in the USA for 35 years, who claims to be neither a Pre-Designer nor a teacher, has been actually teaching Pre-Design across India for the past few years since his return.
On his return to India he realized the practice of Pre-Design as a supplementary architectural service was nonexistent. His sole exposure to design instruction at a college revealed that the students were neither taught Pre-Design nor allowed enough time for predesign. So, instead of fighting the system, he along with his colleague, Prasad Anaokar, developed predesign workshop as an aid for design and thesis projects for the students.
Naresh Shah will be conducting a seminar, “Pre-Design Opportunities” on 28th August 2015 at Bandra, Mumbai, which is being co-hosted by Gallopper.
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11:00 – 11:30 Registration and Coffee
11:30 – 12:30 What Is Predesign
12:30 – 1:30 Buffet Lunch and Networking
1:30 – 2:30 Predesign Process
2:30 – 3:00 Tea and short Networking break
3:00 – 4:00 Predesign Opportunities
Who should attend :
- Professional Planners, Architects and Interior Designers.
- Planners, Architects and Interior Designers employed with Corporates and Institutions
- Facilities personnel (Contract, Project Managers, Real Estate, Finance, Maintainance) for Corporates and Institutions.
- Professional Research and Advisory Managers.
- Real Estate Fund Managers
- Real Estate Risk Analysts
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