Architectural Journalism demarcates the difference between pure soulful Architecture and mere Construction.
“An architect designs but is not valued”, is what bothers Himani who completed her Bachelors in Architecture from Vastu Kala College of Architecture, New Delhi. In conversation with Gallopper when asked, “Why Architectural Journalism after all those five years of drafting and creations of a new world for someone?”, an Architectural Journalist and Public Relations Consultant by choice and profession, Himani Ahuja says that it is about her passion and if she can amalgamate both Architecture & Journalism together, then why not? It is about getting the best of both worlds of Architecture & Journalism and elevating the stature of lesser known deserving architects and also the established ones who wish to be a brand name in the world of factory produced number of architects available today.
Having written for a various publication houses and newspapers for Architecture firms in India like Creative Group based in Saket, New Delhi and Studio KIA which is spread across India, USA and Middle East; featuring Architecture-Real Estate-Construction, Himani now focuses on print and online media and public relations for Architects globally. Some of the magazines which feature her articles include Architect & Interiors India, Design Detail, Design Matrix, Abraxas Lifestyle, CW, Construction Mirror, Ace Update,Buildotech, Architecture Update, Architecture Construction Update, Construction Times, Engineering Endeavour ( IA&B) & Acetech inhouse magazine. Global platforms include World Architecture. Himani actively handles portals for architects on Architizer, Archello, Homify, Archdaily, etc. She is a regular contributor to these magazines.
Some of the noteworthy interviews carried out by Himani have been an interview with Ar. Christopher Charles Benninger who is a reference to emulate for every architect, Sir Peter Cook: English Architect, Ar. Harshad Patel: American- Indian Architect, Design Consortium (top 25 firms of LA, United States) and is upcoming with a feature on Kavin Bharti Mittal, CEO, Hike.
Himani is the winner of the A3 Foundation Journalism and PR Award for 2015-16 all over India. She believes architecture is an art which has its own limitations of marketing. Himani makes sure it creates a world of its own through print and social media through content building, conferences, award ceremonies and strategies focussing the major aspects of the construction.
Himani has also worked briefly for Architecture & Design events in India. She has taken this vision of Architectural Journalism, PR & Communications into a much more successful reality by putting forward stories which require recognition through media. Himani asserts that Architectural PR uplifts the spirits of the Architect and gives him and his projects a well deserved recognition. It demarcates the difference between pure soulful architecture and mere construction.