Behind the scenes – Gallopper Talks 2016
OUR FLAGSHIP PROPERTY Gallopper Talks is a mission centred around a series of 2 hour programs, comprising of short inspirational talks celebrating silent achievers and innovators from the development and construction sector. The mission’s purpose is to celebrate the awesomeness of the sector and spread the positive role it plays in nation building.
Speakers highlight stories of their endurance, breakthroughs and innovations; acting as fuel for inspiration to others. The talks are structured and practiced with each speaker talking no more than 15 minutes. Six speakers make up an inspirational evening of 2 hours, interspersed by an inspirational piece of performing art for 10 minutes.
A lot goes into the preparation of these Talks where not only the organisers but also the Speakers put in a lot of effort to bring together the Talks, to be impactful, inspiring and interesting for the audience.