This is an interactive story from the future. Probably the first one ever. About you, with you at the centre of it. You can pick the story line of your choice. Imagine yourself in the future, say 9-12 months from now, when people are slowly beginning to adjust to a new way of working. A world where most organisations allow ‘work from home’, a world where most organisations have non-dedicated seating that can be booked in advance or in real time. A world where quality is determined by an organisation’s health and safety standards. A world where tech tools bring about much-needed efficiency in work-life. A world that is a blend of the physical and the digital.
Now imagine you wake up one morning in that not-so-distant future and you have to execute a choice between working from home or working from office. Below, choose the options that sequentially follow in a timeline throughout the day, and see how that world of work will be. At the end of the storyline, you will be prompted by the in-built code if you would like to have your personalised story written by an algorithm, with you at the centre of this workday in 2023. If you want your story, you will have to write your name, gender, and email at the bottom before clicking the blue bar; and voila! The robot will customise a story with you in the centre; coffee and feelings included. Robots writing stories? Welcome to the future, fast-forwarded.
Takes less than a min to make the choices and a little longer if you read through. Give it a try.