It’s Time for Your Company to Develop an Employer Value Proposition for Freelancers

How are you positioning your company to win with the labor force of today? Are you attracting … The future of work is total talent management. And the …

How are you positioning your company to win with the labor force of today? Are you attracting the right talent in all aspects of your business? Are you building a total talent management solution? These questions, and more, are not just for forward thinking companies anymore. All companies need to think about how to win the war for talent across all labor types and today that increasingly means freelancers.

More than half (60 percent) of HR professionals say that compared to three years ago, gig workers now make up a larger percentage of their professional workforce. And 45% of businesses find a growing need for on-demand, real-time talent, according to Ardent Partners. Cost savings, business agility, and quick access to high-caliber talent are just three reasons why companies have tapped into the on-demand labor market.

The future of work is total talent management. And the future is now.

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